Sunday 23 April 2017

Importance of Self-Care

 Importance of Self-Care

Self-Care? What exactly is Self-Care?
Dont forget guys:
Self care is care provided by you for you. Its about identifying your own needs and taking steps to meet them. It is taking the time to do some of the activities that nurture you. Self-care is about taking proper care of yourself and treating yourself as kindly as you treat others. Self-care is an activity that you do voluntarily which helps you maintain your psychical, emotional and mental wellbeing. It can help you feel healthy, relaxed, and ready to take on your work and responsibilities.

Why is Self-Care so important?
There are lots of reasons why self-care is important but here are a few main reasons.
It keeps you healthy 
Self care can help you stay healthy! Physical stuff like exercise can be a great form of self care for various different reasons. It keeps you strong, burns of nervous energy and gives you some time to forget your responsibilities or things that stress you out. Self care doesn't have to be psychical either, taking time out of your day to do something you enjoy like watching a film or reading is also a great way to distract your mind and body from things that mind be causing you stress.
It helps you 'recharge' 
Some people use self-care as a way to unwind and destress after a long day or week. Taking a relaxing bath, meditating or even taking a nap can help people catch up on rest and 'un-plug' themselves from the outside world.
It can help you manage health issues
Self-care sometimes is a way of coping with physical or mental health issues. People with Mental Health issues will use self-care strategies to cope with symptoms that can be overwhelming, and to make sure that they can live their lives as fully as possible.

So here are some of my ideas of self-care;

1. Treat Yourself
2. Mediate
3.Write a Journal
4. Do you nails
5. Read
6. Take a bubble bath
7. Take a nap
8. Apply a face mask
9. Color in
10. Burn a candle
11. Find a new hobby
12. Do yoga
13. Bake
14. Go to bed early
15. Go on a drive
16. Have a spa day
17. Listen to music
18. Draw
19. Turn off your phone
20. Go for a walk
21. See a friend
22. Mindfulness
23. Go cloud watching
24. Have a distraction box
25. Buy a magazine
26. Exercise
27. Watch a movie
28. Go for a coffee
29. Forgive yourself
30. Wrap up in blankets
31. Learn something new
32. Watch youtube
33. Cuddle your pet
34. Learn to knit
35. Go to a party
36. Spend sometime outside
37. Eat well
38. Go to the gym
39. Get rid of negative people
40. Draw
41. Allow yourself to cry
42. Take a long shower
43. Use a bath bomb 
45. Go to the park.
46. Dance
47. Create your own blog
48. Go to the library 
49. Declutter your bedroom 
50. Call a friend 

So there you go! There is so many different activities you can do to take care of yourself, self care is an act of survival and everyone deserves to have time to themselves. Participating in self-care can help with various different things, it can help with stress and also helps you refocus your energy.
I hope this post has helped you get some ideas on how to take steps to improve your self-care.

I hope your well,
Leah x

If you have any suggestions for posts you would like to see please comment or message me! x 


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