Monday 2 January 2017

New Year - 2017

New Years resolutions!!

 As I've saw a few other blogposts going up with their 'New Years resolutions' I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and join in! As 2016 has been the worst year in terms of my Mental Health I hope that this year, I eventually start to get back to doing 'Normal things'.

1. Get back to Dancing!
Ive been a dancer since I was about 3 or 4 years old and I've been involved with various shows and competitions. However unfortunately due to my Mental Health I've had to drop out numerous times. Sport is proven to help people who suffer with Mental Illness, and this is why one of my biggest aims of 2017 is to get back with my dancing family! Dancing makes me happy, doing our Annual show in the theatre every year gives me something to aim for because I know from past experiences if my Mental Health deteriorates i am unable to Dance... So hopefully I get back to dancing soon and i will aim for being involved in the 2017 show.

2.  Socialising!
Now this may sound silly to some of you who are reading this or, some of you maybe able to relate.
Socialising? Socialising seems like a everyday thing, your right it is.  But I find socialising like, going out, seeing friends etc,  very difficult. My depression leaves me exhausted even after not doing anything so going out with friends when I'm completely drained is near enough impossible.
Seeing friends and going out in public places causes me to much anxiety but for 2017, even though this may be my hardest resolution,I want to get back to seeing friends and just generally having a social life!

3. College?
Now education for me in a school/college like setting for the past 3 years, has been nonexistent. Since the beginning of year 10 i was homeschooled, in year 11 i continued with homeschooling and i also then was educated whilst in hospital. As i left school in July 2016, I then started college in September I managed until the beginning of November, yes i still had the occasional day off, but I was managing. However since the start of November my Mental Health once again deteriorated and Ive only attended college 3/4 times since then. I NEED to get back into education. I want to eventually pursue the career of becoming a Mental Health Nurse for adolescents, but without being able to attend college that will not happen. So for 2017 i hope my Mental Health improves enough for me to get back to college!

4. Organised
Being organised is a thing I've never really done. With one of my resolutions being 'Get back to college' I really need to start being more organised with my work and also keeping track of time with assignments etc. Also with organisation i want to try and structure my day, I want to at least do one thing during the day weather that be walking my dog, seeing a friend, going out shopping or something as small as texting a friend. I want do have a more organised day and to know what my aim is.

5. Positivity!!!
 As my Mental Health affects me in a negative way and prevents me to live a 'normal life' I find it very difficult to think positively. But obviously theres still loads of positive things around me but my depression blinds me from that. So as a resolution I want to try and think more positive and have a positive outlook on life.

Thank you for reading my 'New years resolutions' I hope that 2017 is filled with happiness and I hope your all well,
Leah x



  1. These are great goals, hope you can achieve as many as possible xx <3 <3


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